The Importance and Challenges of Understanding Candidate Gender in Talent Acquisition
Since its establishment in 1965, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) has worked to combat workplace discrimination across the United States. In support of that effort, the commission established reporting standards for key demographic fields, namely gender, race/ethnicity, veteran status, and disability status. All private sector employers with more than 100 employees (and federal contractors […]
How Does Datapeople Determine Gender? An Algorithm, Why?
Understanding the diversity of your talent pool is crucial for building a fair and inclusive work environment. In the realm of gender representation, traditional methods that rely on self-reported data often fall short, leaving recruiters with incomplete or unreliable data. That’s where Datapeople’s innovative gender inference model steps in, offering valuable insights without infringing on individual privacy.
October 2023 Job Market Databyte: Continued Tight Labor Market in the US
Read in our latest Databyte how 2023 is seeing a continued tight labor market rather than the relaxation we were expecting.
July 2023 Job Market Databyte: Unprecedented US Labor Market Tightness Persists
The unemployment rate is a key indicator for the job market, but it’s not the only one. Why you should watch labor market tightness too.
Using No-Hire Requisitions for Data-Driven Insights
A shocking number of job requisitions never result in hires. Read how no-hire requisitions offer important recruiting intelligence.