How Candidate Job Satisfaction Depends on Your Job Post
Measuring candidate job satisfaction enables hiring teams to gauge how well they’re setting expectations in their job posts.
What Candidate Experience Says About Your Hiring Process
Candidate experience is something hiring teams can measure with both quantitative and qualitative recruiting metrics.
What Is the Proportion of Organic Candidates Metric?
The proportion of organic candidates metric is an indicator of fairness and equity in your hiring process.
What Is the Time of Hiring Processes Recruiting Metric?
Time in hiring processes is the time spent by candidates in each of the steps in your organization’s hiring process.
What Is Source Channel Cost in Recruiting?
Source channel cost is a recruiting metric that helps you determine how well your candidate sourcing channels are performing.
Why Cost Per Hire Is a Unicorn Metric
Cost per hire depends on a seemingly infinite number of variables that may be difficult to track. That’s why it’s a bit of a unicorn metric.
Applicants and Candidates Aren’t the Same Thing
Applicants and candidates aren’t actually the same thing, although the recruiting industry has used them interchangeably in the past.
What Is the Days Live Recruiting Metric?
Days live is a metric that hiring teams can use to judge how well their job posts are attracting qualified candidate pools.
How To Measure Time to Fill
How your organization measures time to fill directly impacts how useful the data is to your recruiting efforts.