Write better with intelligent, assistive AI for recruiting
Elevate all writers and reduce the effort to an effective, inclusive job ad with an AI built for recruiting
Trusted by global leaders
![This image shows the embedded nature of our talent-trained AI, offering job writers the option to write first with AI or start from an existing job or template](https://datapeople.io/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/Write-with-First-Draft-2180x0-c-default.png)
Access directly in the smart editor
Easy access to assistive intelligence when your team needs it
![This image shows the ability to embrace talent-trained AI to enrich a draft job post](https://datapeople.io/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/Iterate-with-First-Draft-2180x0-c-default.png)
Create and optimize job content
Start from scratch or embrace AI to update existing job content
![This image showcases the side-by-side capabilities of Datapeople's First Draft AI, we prioritize having a human-in-the-loop model that encourages thoughtful embrace while keeping detailed audit logs](https://datapeople.io/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/First-Draft-Iteration-2180x0-c-default.png)
Secure human in the loop model
Audit-ready and brand-supportive with your team always in control
![This image shows the type of data that is](https://datapeople.io/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/Built-for-Hiring-Demands-2180x0-c-default.png)
Built for the demands of hiring talent
Anything but off the shelf, trained on over 100 million job data points
Results powered by AI for Recruiting
Less Effort
Better Job Performance
Faster To Hire