Where do you stack up in tech hiring?
If you’re wondering how you compare to other companies in this tight labor market or which post-Covid trends you should follow, you’re not alone. Questions like these are why we created this report. And why it’s loaded with data you can use to build informed tech hiring strategies.

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How did tech hiring change between 2019 and 2021?
For this report, we collected data on U.S.-based technology jobs from over 10,000 companies for the years 2019, 2020, and 2021. We then analyzed the jobs data for trends. We found that growth for tech jobs overall contracted in 2020 because of the Covid-19 pandemic, predictably. And we found that, although hiring rebounded in 2021, many of the trends that emerged during the pandemic hung around for the rebound as well.
The Datapeople Tech Hiring Report covers the following topics.
1. State of the Market
Hiring for technology jobs was a bit of a roller coaster.
2. Job Requirements Analysis
Job requirements changed in response to the job market.
3. Job Title Analysis
Companies changed how they title and level jobs.
4. Job Language Analysis
Tech stacks, soft skills, and corporate clichés were ubiquitous.
5. Applicant Source Analysis
Organic candidate sources attracted the most applicants.
6. Source-of-Hire Analysis
Applicants from inorganic sources (e.g., referrals) got an unfair leg up.
7. Applicant Gender Analysis
Men vastly outnumbered women, and the gap grew with seniority.