Choose Both: DEI and Hiring Efficiency
Traditionally, DEI and hiring efficiency have been seen as separate initiatives, possibly conflicting ones. Sharing from their own experiences, Sabrina and Amit will help you banish this misconception and help you achieve both.
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Featured Speakers
Talent Acquisition Pipeline Development Leader, Dentsu
Co-founder and CEO, Datapeople
Inequity begins with hiring
If you’re looking to weave DEI into your company, it needs to start with the beginning of the employee lifecycle: the hiring process. And hiring begins with your job posts. Inclusive job posts not only lead to more diverse candidates, but also more qualified candidate pools overall.
Create a movement to ensure long lasting change
What are the small pieces of the puzzle that may seem insignificant at first glance, but will move the needle long term? Identify your “trim tab,” as Sabrina calls it, to find opportunities and gaps throughout the process where you can impact root causes.