Learn What Makes Datapeople a Compelling Alternative to Textio™

Looking for an alternative to Textio Hire, an augmented writing platform for job descriptions? Datapeople is purpose-built job description software that uses data science and real candidate search behavior to offer hiring teams guidance on both content and language.

Datapeople provides enhanced editing guidance on job titles, language, requirements, and other important content. It also offers recruiting analytics on your talent pipeline as well as job description management features. With Datapeople, your hiring teams can consistently write job descriptions that are proven to attract more qualified and diverse candidate pools.

Language editing is just one part of great job description software

Attracting a qualified, diverse candidate pool requires more than language guidance alone. It helps, but content guidance helps more. We know because we have the data.

We’ve collected, classified, and analyzed 10s of millions of job descriptions (and counting) from over 40,000 employers. Datapeople uses these jobs to automatically classify each of your jobs and tailor the user experience accordingly. Datapeople uses the data from these jobs to inform content and language guidance. What we’ve learned…

First, job seekers need to be able to find your job listing, which means job titles that are optimized for search engines (i.e., job title SEO). Next, job seekers need to understand your job, which means clear requirements that are appropriate for the position (i.e., not vague or too numerous). Finally, job seekers need to feel welcome to apply, which means clear, concise language.

On your end, job description management features like custom templates as well as ATS integration can ensure your team is on the same page at all times. Also, recruiting analytics can help you understand your talent pipeline as a whole and measure the success of each of your hiring efforts.

It’s a holistic approach to job description software. And when you post jobs calibrated for content and online search as well as language, you see a dramatic increase in the number of qualified candidates who find your job and apply.

Datapeople includes Augmented Writing for Job Descriptions

Job description management makes it easy for your teams to work together

Our job description software reinvents the way your team works together to write job descriptions. The job description management features we’ve included make it easy for you to collaborate and write consistent, yet bespoke, job descriptions:

Advanced Job Templates

Datapeople’s custom templates enable your hiring teams to create consistent, editable branding and deploy it by department, team, or even job type. Also, you can ensure that critical parts of your job descriptions are always on-brand by setting defaults for sections like Perks and EEOC. Just drop them into any template, and you’re good to go.

ATS Integrations

Reduce administration redundancy by connecting your ATS with Datapeople. We offer an integration for most major Applicant Tracking Systems including WorkdayGreenhouse and SmartRecruiters.

‘Dropbox’ For Your Jobs

Datapeople automatically imports jobs from any ATS with no configuration or IT assistance required. The software keeps your jobs organized and ready to edit, so your hiring teams always know exactly where to start.

Magic Job Links

Our Magic Job Links make it easy to collaborate with anyone on your team by sharing links that dynamically track revisions, even for users who are not logged in.

Performance Score

Our performance score keeps everyone focused on the same goal. Your team can draft and revise a job description until the score tops 85. You can then post the job to your company’s career site with full confidence that it will attract a robust and representative candidate pool.

Attract more qualified candidates, quickly

Language editing alone isn’t enough. Job seekers need to be able to find your job, understand the title and requirements, and feel welcome to apply. Meanwhile, you need to understand your talent pipeline, keep your team on the same page, and ensure consistency and quality.

By optimizing job descriptions for both content and language, you can dramatically increase the quality and diversity of your job’s pipeline. You can also dramatically reduce the time-to-fill for all of your jobs.

Features like language editing, language analytics, performance analytics, and job description management enable you to take a truly holistic approach to writing job posts. If you’re looking for an alternative to Textio, Datapeople is robust job description software built specifically for hiring teams like yours.

Curious how our results compare to Textio?

See how we have helped some of the world’s most trusted brands identify, understand, and solve their unique recruiting challenges. Learn more

Get training and support right out of the box

Are you paying extra for support with Textio? Datapeople includes customer training and support, as well as an in-app chat feature, right out of the box. So all of your hiring team members can ramp up quickly and get the most out of your job description software.

Compare to Textio’s pricing or try Datapeople for free

Have you received pricing from Textio and want to see how we compare? Schedule a demo or email us at Sales@Datapeople.io and we’ll be happy to discuss how our flat-fee pricing compares to Textio’s pricing.

Want to take Datapeople for a spin first? If so, you and your team can try Datapeople for free. Then you can see for yourself how easy it is to write winning job descriptions that attract more qualified candidates.

What are other Textio competitors?

We think Datapeople is the bee’s knees because it’s built specifically for job descriptions. But besides Datapeople, there are other Textio competitors out there, such as Grammarly Business, Gender Decoder, and TalVista. We encourage you to compare these and other Textio competitors to Datapeople as well.

Any questions we didn’t answer?

Do you have additional questions about how Datapeople is a compelling alternative to Textio? If you do, we’re happy to talk to you about them. Send us an email at Hello@Datapeople.io or use the chat widget below to the right.


Datapeople is not affiliated with Textio™ or its products. To learn more about Datapeople, please visit datapeople.io.