This image shows a variety of Datapeople ATS integration powered expeirences including writing and data insights analysis

Implement the efficient talent tech stack

Optimize effort and enhance hiring outcomes with out-of-the-box Datapeople ATS integrations

Hiring the best with the best

This image showcases how Datapeople's ATS integrations ensure your content is always in sync, thanks to automatic bi-directional sync

Eliminate unnecessary manual efforts

A single optimized workflow, from requisition to hire

This image showcases Datapeople ATS Integration-powered SSO experiences, for enhanced security and ease

Secure your hiring workflow

SSO powered log-in, automatic bidirectional sync, and deep audit trail effortless deliver your compliant hiring process

This image showcases the benefits of our in-house built Datapeople ATS integrations to keep content and hiring data in-sync and usable by the entire hiring team

Unlock hiring team performance

Put your team in a position to win with real-time sync of content and data

This image showcases the ease of turning on a Datapeople ATS integration

Integrate without the overhead

Minimize setup with turn-key API integrations or browser overlay options

The results of your efficient talent tech stack


Less Effort


Better Job Performance


Faster to Fill

A beautiful partnership with your ATS

Super job writing, automated analytics, real-time collaboration, and an organized repository accessible right within the ATS.

Get started without an API integration

Download our browser overlay, Datapeople Anywhere, and get job post guidance directly in your ATS, without an API integration. Compatible with nearly all ATSs. Configuration requirements may vary.

Job editing features are available for any ATS.

ATSs that Datapeople integrates with.

Hiring that is always in-sync powered by Datapeople ATS integrations