Skills-based hiring is finally within reach

Your job ads are the foundation for securing talent by scaling a focus on skills, not extraneous elements that detract

Hiring the best with the best

This image demonstrates the collaboration experience built into Datapeople, it uses a familiar Google Docs like experience

Collaborate to gain alignment on the critical few skills for your jobs

Calibrate the skills in your job ads by embracing commenting to effortlessly align with the entire team

Build high-performance relationships with hiring managers

Harry Dannenbaum shares proven strategies and easy-to-deploy tactics that build true partnerships, unlocking skills-based hiring

This image is of our Easy Wins report which shows optimize and improvement opportunities for your job posts, offering one-click access to address immediately

Identify job content problems in real-time

Look across all your jobs to identify opportunities to improve content

Job Board Optimization Cheat Sheet

Job boards love skills but only if you do it right

Job Board Optimization isn’t the mystery it seems if you embrace the proven strategies and best practices contained in this downloadable document

Embrace skills-based hiring today

  • Datapeople is helping us achieve job ads that are not only inclusive, but also on-brand and consistent across the globe.

    Andreas Kuhlen Head of Talent Acquisition
  • Datapeople has become table stakes for job posts at Twitch. Hiring managers have to run their jobs through Datapeople.

    Meg Crampton Senior Manager, Global Employer Brand & Events

Curious how you stack up?

Let one of our experts dive into your public jobs to celebrate your progress and identify ways to improve