Q: What do efficient hiring team collaboration experiences and a rich library of talent acquisition learning courses have in common?
A: They’re both possible and available within Datapeople 😏
That’s right! Our February 2024 product updates are all about helping hiring teams intelligently and swiftly achieve hiring goals by eliminating the communication inefficiencies that exist during the job writing process, and, by providing members of the hiring team with access to robust, certification courses that deepen their understanding of talent acquisition–not just the “what” behind TA, but the “why.”
A quick summary of what’s new:
- Collaborate effortlessly with hiring teams by leaving comments for co-workers directly in the Datapeople Smart Editor
- Gain strategic skills and deep industry insights with self-led Datapeople University courses
As always, we look forward to your questions and feedback. Click here to drop us an email.
Commenting in the Smart Editor has arrived 🎉
Now, Datapeople customers can write effective and inclusive job posts AND asynchronously collaborate with hiring teammates, all from a single tab!

Smart Editor commenting enables hiring team members to:
- Leave a general job post comment or highlight and comment on a specific piece of text
- Tag your teammates and alert them to your comment
- Respond to comments directly in-app (or if you prefer, in email or Slack)
This exciting new feature offers recruiters and hiring managers a seamless way to collaborate on job posts and kickstart a more efficient hiring process. Learn more about Smart Editor commenting.
Introducing a smarter way to learn with Datapeople University 📚
Staying on top of and deeply understanding the ever-changing TA market is difficult. Actually using that knowledge to smartly adjust the way you hire, is even more challenging. To help hiring teams truly excel and achieve hiring goals, we’ve launched Datapeople University!
- Four self-led programs (to start!) that focus on true learning rather than tool mastery
- Curriculums designed to help hiring teams build strategic skills and deep industry insights
- Our self-led courses prioritize transferable knowledge that empowers professionals to adapt and excel in different organizational settings

Learn more about how Datapeople University is building a future that goes beyond task execution, and actually helps hiring teams soar.
We look forward to seeing how you and your team utilize the new commenting and learning environment to better your hiring processes and outcomes. Thanks for reading!